Madura - traduction vers français
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Madura - traduction vers français

Madoera; Island of Madura; Madura; Madura island; Music of Madura Island
  • [[Salt]] making in Madura in 1948
  • Bull racing in [[Sumenep]], Madura

Madura, island in Indonesia; city in southern Tamil Nadu (state in southeastern India)


·add. ·noun A chronic infectious disease of cattle and man due to the presence of Actinomyces bovis. It causes local suppurating tumors, ·esp. about the jaw. Called also lumpy jaw or big jaw.


Madura Island

Madura Island (Indonesian: Pulau Madura, Madurese: Polo Madhurâ; [pɔlɔʰ ˈmadʰurɐʰ], Pèghu: ڤولو مادْوراْ‎, Carakan: ꦥꦺꦴꦭꦺꦴꦩꦢꦸꦫ, Lontara': ᨄᨘᨒᨚ ᨆᨉᨘᨑ) is an Indonesian island off the northeastern coast of Java. The island comprises an area of approximately 4,442 square kilometres (1,715 sq mi) (administratively 5,379.22 km2 including various smaller islands to the east, southeast and north that are administratively part of Madura's easternmost Sumenep Regency). Administratively, Madura is part of the province of East Java. It is separated from Java by the narrow Madura Strait. The administered area has a density of 756 people per km2 in 2022, while the main island has a somewhat higher figure of 826 per km2 in 2020.

Exemples de prononciation pour Madura
1. of the new president, Maduro.
Daily Show Writer & Governor Chat _ Bill Richardson + More _ Talks at Google
2. And the problem with Maduro, a few days
Daily Show Writer & Governor Chat _ Bill Richardson + More _ Talks at Google
3. We will see it in Venezuela when Maduro falls.
4. And this guy, Maduro, he's not like Chavez was.
Daily Show Writer & Governor Chat _ Bill Richardson + More _ Talks at Google